Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Feedback and Update

First off, I've changed the blog settings to allow comments from anyone... so post anything, even if you disagree. Show me that you're thinking! Second, thanks for the tips I've received. One clever lady on the Freeganworld rise up list gave me a tip about wasting less water during my shower, specifically because I was having so much trouble with my long hair and washing it. She said that she turns off the water during the lather and then turns it back on during the rinse, and so on. Funny, I actually hadn't even thought about that, but it makes so much since- just like washing your hands, or brushing your teeth. Strange how the obvious escapes you.

If anyone has any tips on reducing my purchases of packaged goods, please tell me. Also, I can't seem to find a good list of companies that pledge not to use genetically modified food (no-GMO's), and often, they aren't clearly labeled. If anyone can either help me compile a satisfying list, or give me a heads up about companies and brand names that GMO products are marketed under, please let me know. When I get a good list or some good information, I'll post it all, so it'll be easy to find.

-Kindra FM.

PS- it should be noted that although I'm vegan, I'd like information on any and all food products with a no-GMO pledge. I live with two omnivores, who are getting dragged along in this charade.


Anonymous said...

You've probably enjoy reading Green as a Thistle. She blogs about changing one thing every day that's better for the environment.

Anonymous said...

I put a hose on my shower head with an adjustable pressure wheel and then installed a small shut-off valve at the hose connection. it's a valve like they use in motorhomes and campers. you can get one at just about any large hardware store or rv place. it makes it so much easier to stop the water temporarily and you don't have to worry about the temperture on the handles changing.