Sunday, July 15, 2007

Today- As a citizen of the world, I pledge...

Today, I'm officially starting my pledge not to purchase any more "chain" food. Not that I was ever a big fan or fast food or convenience store cuisine, but, at times, I've stopped in for a bite, especially if I was on the road. It was easy. It was there. I grabbed a bottled water, and Odwalla bar, and left.

Not anymore. From now on, unless absolutely necessary, I will not even buy coffee at a gas station while I'm on vacation. I will try as hard as I can to use up the materials at my house, or those that will soon be made available to me (i.e.- in a motel room). So, not only am I abstaining from buying prepackaged goods while I'm grocery shopping, I'm also carrying that through when I'm away from the house. When in coffee shops or other eateries, I won't get the "togo" option unless I must. Things like that.

This actually used to confuse me sometimes, because I realized one day that technically, I'm just making people wash something again, and some restaurants use multiple plates for a dish for a prettier presentation, even though I'd only need one bowl to eat my linguine. However, by not using the ToGo-ware, which hardly ever would be recycled, I'm not contributing to landfills. Though it wasn't a big question to begin with, I still feel better, now that I know more, about my decision. Besides, I would have to do about the same number of dishes, anyway, it just doesn't become a pain the ass for me.

Also, if anyone has information on how harmful dishwashers are to the environment, I'd love to hear it. Right now, we use a dishwasher, but how are the comparisons, both electrical and water conserving wise, between hand washing and using a dishwasher.

-Kindra FM

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kindra.
Congratulations. It is odd to find such a youn person already with a strong drive to protect the environment!
It is hard to be conscious about the right things to do in this modern world of mass production and waste.
But we must try to do our best effort to leran the best environmental best practices.