Saturday, July 14, 2007

Today- Turning off technology

So it kind of doesn't make sense to be posting about this on a goddamn blog, right? But here's where I make the cut- the point of this blog isn't to revert back to living in the dark ages, it's to learn to work with technology while treating the rest of the world with respect. Excessiveness is just that- something extra, something we can do without. For example, not only is it lazy and mindless, but I really don't need to watch 5 episodes of Full House on TV today, especially not 'just because it's on'. Besides, I've got friggin' burgers to make, people!

Sometimes I fear that I'm really growing stupider with each hour I waste in front of the TV. It's worse than waking up after a night of heavy smoking. It's a "whoa, I can feel the braincells dying" kind of alert in my head. I wonder if other people feel the same. So why do I do it? Because it's there, which is barely a reason; it's an excuse.

Still, my new outlook is this- the improvements made on 'the way things were' are there for my convenience only. It's like this whole new deal with food- sure, I can buy 4 boxes of veggie burgers a month, but unless I really need the ease of pre-packaged foods, I don't mind taking 15 minutes to make my own. So, yeah, I could watch that re-run of Seinfeld, but I've got pre-packaged foods to replace, walks to take, friends at camp to write to. What's the difference? The TV will be there when I'm finished.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, like you, am also trying to reduce my impact. I have cancelled all my catalogs and coupon mailings and grocery adds. I shop at the same places anyways so it doesn't matter who has the best sale on stuff I don't even buy. I bought reusable grocery bags and made my own cloth feminine products. Every little thing helps and I'm trying to do more and more "little" things that hopefully can add up.