Friday, July 20, 2007

Today- Update on the rideshare! And a compost!

I'm doing all I can to eliminate the waste I create, including doing some superuse- like making these nifty soymilk wallets instead of trashing the carton (! But as of yet, I haven't composted. Now that our family garden is beginning to yield delicious food and beautiful flowers, I'm sure it would appreciate the extra nutrients that composting could give it. The new No Impact Man entry is about composting with worms in your kitchen, but I was thinking of keeping our compost outdoors. We live in a rural community, and there's no need to keep it indoors. Besides, I would think it would begin to stink up the house, and I'm not sure the parents would be pleased.

Them: Kindra! What the fuck is a box of worms doing in our kitchen!
Me: It's a compost, you guys! NO! STOP! Don't toss it! It's important- the environment needs me to compost!
Them: The cats took a dump in it this morning! Out it goes!

So I might as well deliberately start it outside instead of waiting for everyone to realize there's a giant box of decomposing matter sitting by the table.

The rideshare yesterday went well. My dance teacher and I picked up a younger student as well, so that's an even higher number of participants! When we got to the studio, I was pleased to see multiple dancer coming out of all the vehicles. Turns out we're all carpooling to and from classes! It's nice to know I've got a network if I need it.

Keep the peace!

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