Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Today- Reduce shower time

Okay, I know it sounds a bit crazy, but I spend about 25-30 minutes in the shower, daily.

Oh god, I can't believe that number.

According to the Earth Day Footprint Quiz site, I can reduce my ecological footprint .5 acres by merely spending ten minutes less in the shower each morning. Spending less time in the shower also means that I am saving more water and reducing our electric heating bill. Every minute that it's in use, a standard shower head uses 5-7 gallons of water- which means that I use at least 125 every time I take a shower. Trust me, I know it's vain, wasteful, and completely unnecessary. Now I'm proof that if people know the facts, they're more inclined to take action. (http://www.loudoun.gov/water/tips2.htm) By only spending 15 minutes in the shower instead of 30, I save between 75 and 105 gallons of water a day. Crazy, right?

The shower head can also make a difference. "Low-Flow" shower heads and faucets are available. They are a specially designed, more eco-friendly shower head produced by several different companies. Depending on the brand or the style, they use up to 50% less water, and cost between about 5 and 50 dollars. It's amazing the positive environmental impact simply switching your shower head can make. To find out more about Low Flow shower heads and faucets, I recommend this site: http://eartheasy.com/live_lowflow_aerators.htm

So today, I've decided to get my hair cut. Short. Do you know how long I spend "primping" each morning? Since my beloved long, brown locks are now dry and a bit like electrical wires due to all that "primping", making myself look halfway decent takes forever. And a lot of styling tools. Hopefully, cutting my awful hair will reduce that time by half. This also means, aside from completely conceited reasons, that less time will be spent with a straightener or curler plugged in, the shower or faucet running, and aerosol spray cans issuing vapors into our ozone layer. And that, my friends, makes my hair appointment a worthy cause.

Plus, it's just bloody ridiculous- why spend so much time doing my hair? What am I thinking?

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